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Example of a script file that is executed with a double-tap
Script line
open ftpserver myusername
Connection with the FTP server.
Enter the user and password.
cd update
Switches to the FTP server source directory.
get update.cab
Transfers the CAB file to be installed later.
Logs out and closes FTP connection.
Table 15 – Example 2 of script file software update
The ACD DeveloperPack offers among other features useful FTP functions.
6.5 Customising the startup screen
The startup screen (in contrast to the Boot image (Chapter Fehler! Verweisquelle konnte nicht gefunden
werden.) and Start image) is displayed once the kernel has booted in order to bridge the initialisation time
where users can access the desktop. It also acts as a platform to insert your own company’s logo.
Without a customised image file, the startup screen displays the ACD logo. This logo is displayed
immediately after the kernel is booted. In a seamless transition after the Boot image.
To install another bitmap, it must be available in the same native resolution of the screen (240x320 pixels,
8-bit colour depth) as a bmp file with the name \flashdisk\ACDBitmapOnTop.bmp.
The Start image is then quickly replaced with a progress bar to show the progress and alternating text. In this
progress bar, another bitmap is displayed with the name \flashdisk\system\Logo.bmp.
This can also be replaced with a customised image.
This must be dimensioned to 220x90 pixels and 8-bit colour depth.