30 / 65 Basic initialisation of an external scanner
An external laser scanner which has scan data to be inserted into the keyboard with ExtScan2KeyCE must
be configured with the following baud rate parameters:
9600 bits per second, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity
Depending on a certain parameter in the configuration file, the prefix character
STX (= 02h) and suffix character ETX (= 03h) must be set in the scanner. Only scan data embedded
between both these characters are accepted by ExtScan2KeyCE for insertion. Closing ExtScan2KeyCE
There are two ways to close the program:
Enter the password 2801 in the first tab of the configuration dialogue box.
Go to
Close ExtScan2KeyCE.
5.7.2 How to use the scanner API Scanner DLLs on the Windows CE devices
Two Win32 DLLs scan.dll and scanapi.dll are installed on Windows CE devices. The first DLL contains the
hardware-dependent part of the scanner API and is used directly by the ScanDrv.exe scanner driver.
Applications may not use this DLL!
scanapi.dll contains the hardware-independent part of the scanner API and is used by applications. The
stored API functions are used to “bind” this DLL to the ScanDrv.exe scanner driver and can use the scan.dll
with this shortcut.
For programming with Visual Studio, the developer CD contains the ScanAPI.h header file and the
ScanAPI.libin folder in the \Dev_ScannerAPI\CE6.0 folder.
The \Dev_ScannerAPI\TestAPI-Source folder contains the source files of a small test program where the
basic functionality of the scanner API can be found.
More detailed information on the scanner API can be found in a separate document