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6 Managing ACD devices
This chapter focuses on the methods available to update and install system and user software or firmware
onto the ACD CE devices.
Transfer mechanisms are also presented which connect the device to the “outside environment” and to
transfer files automatically.
This chapter also covers ways of customising the software to user requirements, for example how to create
persistent links on the desktop etc.
ACD has developed the device manager with which several field devices can be
administered. Please contact ACD if you require more information.
6.1 Updating the system
Updating is an essential feature on a flexible system designed for industrial use and it has to fulfil specific
requirements: on the one hand, updating has to be done quickly and with as few user interactions as
possible yet it also has to be secure.
This chapter explains which system components on the ACD devices can be updated. It also describes how
these devices are updated.
6.1.1 Updating system components
ACD Windows CE devices are primarily based on ARM technology and differ considerably from PC-based
technology. BIOS firmware used to configure hardware settings is not installed on these devices. Instead of
BIOS, ACD devices first run a minimal boot loader when they are powered on which is responsible for
loading the CE kernel (OS kernel). The boot loader can also be used to update the system. This feature has
more relevance in production than in field application.
The CE kernel is the second component that can be replaced. It is configured with a unique version number.
When running, the system gets system files from the flash memory stored in the flash disk file directory. The
status of this collection of system programs is also versioned.
On some devices, a microprocessor functions as a keyboard controller. This is also versioned.
A versioned programmable logic device (PLD) also configures diverse hardware connections.