ProScale RF Receiver User Manual
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Depending on the receiver model you have purchased, the unit has
the ability to receive signals from either a Single ProScale RF
display or from Multiple ProScale RF displays.
After the receiver is connected to the computer and power applied, the unit can
be configured for operation.
Start a terminal emulation program such as HyperTerminal™. Configure the
terminal program for the serial port being used to communicate with the
The following are the default port settings of the receiver:
9600 baud
8 data bits
No parity
1 stop bit.
Flow Control: None
Although the receiver can be configured for different baud rates, the other
communications parameters are fixed and cannot be altered.
When the serial port has been configured and opened, the user can test the
communications by requesting the receiver’s firmware version. This is
accomplished by typing the command letter v or V followed by the ENTER key.
The receiver will respond with: “ProScale Receiver V1.000” or similar