�a�ua�e di I�sta��a�i��e Us� e �a�ute��i��e � I�sta��ati��� Use a�d
�ai�te�a�ce �a�ua�
pag� 28
Se�ett�re di c��figura�i��e fu��i��a�it�
1� SW 4�1� �FF � Sbri�a�e�t� tra�ite ve�ti�at�re di espu�si��e EA
�� � Sbri�a�e�t� c�� resiste��a e�ettrica �at� �A
2� SW 4�2� �FF � By�pass aut��atic�
�� � By�pass �a�ua�e da seg�a�e ester�� di free�
c���i�g tra�ite c��tatt� pu�it�
3� SW 4�3� �FF � Se�s�re C�
�� � Se�s�re di te�peratura e u�idit�
4� SW 4�4 Di riserva
Atte��i��e� Si prega di t�g�iere �'a�i�e�ta�i��e pri�a di �perare�
1� SW 4�1 ��da�it� di sbri�a�e�t�
� I� va��re predefi�it� � "�FF"� �vve�
r� �� sbri�a�e�t� tra�ite i� ve�ti�at�re di espu�si��e (EA)� Qua�d� i� reg��
�at�re �isura u�a te�peratura EA �i��re di �1�C (defau�t) ed � gi� tra�
sc�rs� �’i�terva��� di te�p� �i�i�� tra due sbri�a�e�ti di 30 �i�� i� ve�ti�
�at�re di �a�data si speg�e e que��� di espu�si��e fu��i��er� a��a �assi�
�a ve��cit�� per u�a durata di 10 �i�uti�
Qua�d� si c���uta su "��"� �a ��da�it� di sbri�a�e�t� vie�e c��figura�
ta c��e sbri�a�e�t� �edia�te risca�dat�re e�ettric� su� �at� aria di ri����
v� �A (� �ecessari� c���egare i� risca�dat�re a� c��d�tt� �A� suggerit� i�
i�ver�� s�tt� �15�C)� per te�perature �A � �15�C i� para�etr� 01 va�e
se�pre 0 aut��atica�e�te� a�che se SW 4�1 � su ��� perta�t� i� risca��
dat�re e�ettric� � disabi�itat��
�e��a ��da�it� di sbri�a�e�t� c�� risca�dat�re e�ettric�� i� reg��at�re a�i��
�er� aut��atica�e�te i� disp�sitiv� �� � �FF per risca�dare �'aria fresca
ed i�pedire �a f�r�a�i��e di ghiacci� su� �at� EA de��� sca�biat�re di
Se �a te�peratura de��'aria ester�a � �15� C� i� risca�dat�re si acce�de
per 50 �i�uti� p�i i� recuperat�re si speg�e 10 �i�uti per p�i riavviarsi�
Se i� risca�dat�re �A si acce�de e �a te�peratura de��'aria di scaric� �
a�c�ra di � �1� C� i� recuperat�re si fer�a per 50 �i�uti�
Se �a te�peratura de��'aria di scaric� � �1� C e �a te�peratura aria ester�
�a � �15� C� i� risca�dat�re �A si acce�de 10 �i�uti per �� sbri�a�e�t��
Se i� risca�dat�re �A � acces� e �a te�peratura de��'aria ester�a � � �
25� C� i� risca�dat�re di �A si fer�er� per 5 �i�uti� Se �a te�peratura de��
�'aria ester�a vie�e ri�evata ��tre i 25� C da� se�s�re ��tre 3 v��te� i� risca��
dat�re e�ettric� si arresta�
2� SW4�2 ��da�it� by�pass
� I� va��re predefi�it� � "�FF"� sig�ifica che i�
by�pass si aprir� aut��atica�e�te su��a base de��a te�peratura ester�a�
D�p� aver chius� i� c��tatt� di by�pass ester�� (fare riferi�e�t� a��� sche�
�a di cab�aggi�)� �a serra�da di by�pass si apre e i ve�ti�at�ri fu��i��e�
ra��� a��a �assi�a ve��cit��
3� SW4�3 ��da�it� di ve�ti�a�i��e f�r�ata
� I� va��re predefi�it� � "�FF"�
sig�ifica che i� ve�ti�at�re � c��tr���at� da� se�s�re di C�
i� c��tr����re
ri�eva se i� se�s�re � i�serit� � �e��� Qua�d� si c���uta su "��"� i� ve��
ti�at�re � c��tr���at� da� se�s�re di u�idit� e da� se�s�re di C�2� Se SW4�
3 si tr�vasse su "��" se��a se�s�re di u�idit� di c���ega�e�t�� vie�e
seg�a�at� err�re E3 �
4� SWA�4
� u�a predisp�si�i��e disp��ibi�e�
��gica di c��tr���� i�terrutt�re ����FF ester��
�'i�terrutt�re ester�� pu� ricevere u� seg�a�e i� te�si��e per attivare i�
recuperat�re� Si p�ss��� avere 2 situa�i��i� a���rch� vie�e chius� i� c���
Recuperat�re spe�t�
� qua�d� i� c��tatt� vie�e chius�� i ve�ti�at�ri fu��
�i��era��� ad a�ta ve��cit�� qua�d� i� c��tatt� ester�� si apre� i� recupe�
rat�re rit�r�a i� �FF�
Recuperat�re acces��
qua�d� i� c��tatt� vie�e chius�� i ve�ti�at�ri si
p�rta�� a��a �assi�a ve��cit�� qua�d� i� c��tatt� vie�e apert�� i ve�ti�a�
t�ri rit�r�a�� a��a ve��cit� precede�te�
Dia� switch
1�SW 4�1� �FF � Traditi��a� EA expu�si�� fa� defr�st
�� � �A side e�ectrica� heater defr�st
2�SW 4�2� �FF � Aut� by pass
�� � �a�ua� bypass via re��te sig�a� by dry c��tact
3�SW 4�3� �FF � C�
�� � Hu�idity a�d te�perature se�s�r
4�SW 4�4 Reserve
Atte�ti��� P�ease cut �ff the p�wer bef�re dia�i�g�
1� SW4�1 is switchi�g the defr�st ��de
� Defau�t is ��FF�� it �ea�s tra�
diti��a� defr�st by the expu�si�� fa� (EA)� Whe� the c��tr�� syste� detects
the EA te�perature ��wer tha� setti�g va�ue (defau�t is �1) a�d �ut �f the
defr�st i�terva� ti�e (defau�t is 30�i�s)� the� the ve�ti�at�r wi�� e�ter the
defr�st ��de� at this ti�e� supp�y (SA) fa� wi�� st�p� EA fa� ru� at highest
speed� a�d the defr�st durati�� ti�e is 10�i�s (defau�t ti�e)�
Whe� tur� t� ����� the defr�st ��de is cha�ged t� be �A side heater
defr�st (required t� c���ect the heater t� the �A duct� ���y suggested i�
wi�ter u�der �15� C)� f�r �A te�perature higher tha� �15�C� the para�e�
ter 01 w�u�d be tur�ed t� 0 aut��atica��y a�d the supp�y air side e�ectrica�
heater is ��t ab�e t� use�
U�der e�ectrica� heater defr�st ��de� c��tr���er ca� aut��atic drive the
e�ectric heater ����FF t� heat the fresh air i� �rder t� preve�t fr�sti�g at
the EA side �f heat excha�ger�
If the �utd��r fresh air te�perature � �15�C� the �A heater tur�s �� f�r
50 �i�utes� the� the ve�ti�at�r switches �ff f�r 10 �i�utes a�d restarts�
If the �A heater switches �� a�d the exhaust air te�perature is sti�� �
�1�C� the� the ve�ti�at�r wi�� st�ps f�r 50 �i�utes�
If the exhaust air te�perature � �1�C a�d the �utd��r air te�perature �
�15�C� the �A heater switches �� f�r 10 �i�utes f�r defr�sti�g�
If the �A heater is �� a�d te�perature �f �utd��r air is ��25�C� the�
�A heater wi�� st�p f�r 5 �i�utes� If the �utd��r air te�perature is detec�
ted �ver 25�C by se�s�r �ver 3 ti�es� e�ectrica� heater st�ps�
2� SW4�2 is the by�pass ��de
� Defau�t is ��FF�� it �ea�s that by�pass
wi�� �pe� aut��atica��y based �� the �utd��r te�perature� After c���ec�
ti�g the bypass free v��tage c���ect�r (refer t� the wiri�g diagra�)� the�
bypass da�per �pe�s �a�ua��y a�d fa�s ru� at high speed�
3� SW4�3
is switchi�g the f�rced ve�ti�ati�� ��de� Defau�t is ��ff�� it �ea�s
that ve�ti�at�r is c��tr���ed by C�
se�s�r� Whe� t� tur� t� ����� the ve�ti�
�at�r is c��tr���ed by hu�idity se�s�r a�d C�2 se�s�r� If SW4�3 tur� ����
but with�ut c���ecti�g hu�idity se�s�r� the� E3 err�r happe��
4� SWA�4
is reserved�
Exter�a� �� � �FF switch c��tr�� ��gic
Exter�a� switch ca� receive v��tage free sig�a� t� c��tr�� the u�it �� �r
U�it �FF
� whe� ve�ti�at�r have exter�a� �� sig�a�� ve�ti�at�r ru� at high
speed� whe� ve�ti�at�r have exter�a� �FF sig�a�� ve�ti�at�r retur� bac� t�
U�it ��
whe� have exter�a� �� sig�a�� ve�ti�at�r ru� at high speed�
whe� ve�ti�at�r have exter�a� �FF sig�a�� ve�ti�at�r retur� bac� t� pre�
vi�us fa� speed�
Содержание ACFR MICRO E 100H
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