Accelerated Concepts, Inc. © 2015
6200-FX Troubleshooting Guide v1.3
As of firmware version 2.150.61, which was released 2013-03-06, the default button works in the
following way:
The 6200-FX will only register that the default button has been pressed if the 6200-FX is powered on
without a USB device connected to it. The user must also wait for the 6200-FX device to finish the
start-up process before pressing the Default button. The start-up process takes approximately 50
seconds, and its completion is signified by the USB LED on the 6200-FX illuminating red. Depending
on how many times the Default button is pressed, the 6200-FX will perform the following actions.
Restores default configuration.
Restores default configuration and reverts to the previous firmware (typically the factory default
firmware unless the firmware has been updated multiple times).
Reverts to the previous firmware but keeps the current configuration
This undoes the changes and sets the 6200-FX back to how it originally was before the Default
button was pressed.