Place a cup on the scale to start brewing.
During an espresso brew, the Flow-Rate Indicator will
display the highest peak flow-rate of this brew with a
single bright LED.
The highest peak flow-rate LED will stay on the display
during an espresso brew.
When brewing is completed, the highest peak flow-rate
LED will stay on the display.
When brewing is completed and the cup is removed
from the scale, the display will flash to show the final
beverage weight and the average flow-rate of the
brewing.The Flow-Rate Indicator will show the average
flow-rate with a stripe LED and the highest peak
flow-rate with a single bright LED.
Brewing with Flow-Rate Indicator
The highest peak & Real flow-rate
The highest peak flow-rate
Real flow-rate
Average flow-rate
The highest peak flow-rate
The highest peak flow-rate
The highest peak flow-rate