Setup wizard
Setup wizard
Setting up the system
The setup wizard guides you through the necessary b
sic system settings. The DVR is then set up for recording
and surveillance.
All detailed settings can be found in the device
menu (see overview on page 31).
The language selection appears after switching on for the
first time:
1. Click the entry field and select the desired language
from the list. Click on
to continue. The following
query appears:
Click on “Next” to start the wizard.
After the system is set up, you can untick the box.
The setup wizard is then no longer started aut
The setup wizard guides you through the necessary ba-
The DVR is then set up for recording
All detailed settings can be found in the device
The language selection appears after switching on for the
Click the entry field and select the desired language
to continue. The following
After the system is set up, you can untick the box.
The setup wizard is then no longer started auto-
Setting up the administrator
Note down the admin password
The following password is preset
“1 2 3 4 5”
1. Click the entry field and enter your admin password.
2. To assign a new password, tick the box next to
Admin Password
3. Enter the new password and confirm in the field b
4. Click on
General Settings
1. Click on “Enter” in the next window.
2. Enter the system time (date and time). Click on
to accept the data. Exit the setting by pressing
, then click on
Setting up the administrator
Note down the admin password.
The following password is preset
“1 2 3 4 5”
Click the entry field and enter your admin password.
To assign a new password, tick the box next to
Enter the new password and confirm in the field be-
Click on “Enter” in the next window.
Enter the system time (date and time). Click on
to accept the data. Exit the setting by pressing