User manual Version 1.0
EW5302 Wireless Serial Server
Copyright © 2007 Atop Technologies, Inc.
All rights reserved. Designed in Taiwan
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Link mode: this is to set up a TCP or UDP connection between the Serial port and the other network
devices. Each COM port corresponds to a link mode, TCP or UDP, which is used to transfer data. The user
can set each link mode and the working parameters according to requirements.
COM property: this is to represent the working parameter of the Serial port including: Serial port type, baud
rate, data bit, stop bit, parity bit, data packet delimiter and flow control, etc.
The user can apply this function to locate a device when its IP address is known, but its position is unknown.
If a device is selected, the device will appear to sing. Users can locate the device by selecting the
Configuration submenu
or clicking the
button on the toolbar.
The device should be restarted after a successful modification of parameter configuration. Users can also
carry out a restart through the submenu option
Import Setting
If a network has a large number of devices which are used for a same purpose, it would be very
complicated to carry out the parameter configuration for each device in the network one by one. Users can
import the parameter configuration of a standard parameter file directly into all the devices of the network
through the submenu option
Import setting
or clicking the
Import setting
button on the toolbar. The dialog
to import parameter settings is shown below.