error detectIon and solutIons
There is possibly an electrical fault in the charging system of the vehicle. Do not charge
the vehicle and immediately contact a qualified specialist repairer. In addition, always
consider the notices provided in the operating manual of the vehicle.
200 ms 200 ms 200 ms 200 ms 200 ms 200 ms 200 ms 200 ms 200 ms 200 ms
Error F5:
This error is only rel-
evant for model variants with
charging socket(s) and indi-
cates that the connector of the
Mode 3 charging cable could
not be locked inside the charg-
ing socket of the wallbox.
The blue LED flashes four times, the green LED is
OFF, the red LED is continuously ON.
Error F6:
This error is only rel-
evant for model variants with
charging socket(s) and indi-
cates that the electrical cur-
rent coding of the Mode 3
charging cable is faulty.
The green LED flashes twice, then the blue LED flash-
es twice, the red LED is continuously ON.
The wallbox automatically reinitiates the charging procedure every 60 sec-
onds: Should the error continue to occur, check the position of the connector in the
charging socket or unplug it and plug it back in. Should the error persist, please contact
the specialist electrical contractor who has performed the installation to check the
proper functioning of the charging cable and the wallbox.
200 ms 200 ms 200 ms 200 ms 200 ms 200 ms 200 ms 200 ms 200 ms 200 ms
Error F7:
The vehicle de-
mands a charging procedure
with ventilation.
The blue LED flashes twice, the green LED is OFF,
the red LED is continuously ON.
The wallbox automatically reinitiates the charging procedure every 60 seconds:
Should the error persist, please contact the specialist electrical contractor who has per-
formed the installation to have the error resolved.
Charging vehicles that require ventilation during the charging procedure is not possible
with the ABL Wallbox.