EN - 4
2 Product Description
2 Product Description
2.1 Designated Use
TIG welding torches must be used for safe welding of low- and high-alloy
materials. They are designed for robot and automatic use. Designated use also
includes the observance of the prescribed operating, maintenance and
servicing instructions.
2.2 Use contrary to the designated use
Any use other than that described under "Designated Use" is considered
contrary to the designated use. Unauthorised conversions or power increase
modifications are not allowed.
2.3 Technical Data
Ambient temperature for welding
- 10 °C to + 40 °C
Transport and storage
- 25 °C to + 55°C
Relative humidity
up to 90 % at 20 °C
Tab. 1
Application process
Type of use
Type of voltage
DC or AC
DC polarity of the electrodes
Usually negative
Max. arc ignition and stabilization voltage
12 kv
Voltage rating
141 V peak value
Control device rating
1 A AC / 250 V AC
Protection type of the machine-side
IP2X (EN 60 529)
Shielding gas
as per DIN EN 439
Industry standard tungsten electrodes suitable for
TIG use, preferably low-radiation
Tab. 2
General torch data (EN 60 974-7)