UniGear ZS1
I N S T A L L A T I O N , O P E R A T I O N A N D M A I N T E N A N C E
5.8 Installation of the top-mounted boxes
For ease of transportation top mounted boxes
are delivered separate from the panel in
pre-assembled sections.
5.8.1 Anti-ferroresonant resistor for voltage
transformers open delta connection
When using a ferroresonance resistor for VTs
open delta connection is necesary to adjust the
position of this resistor during site installation.
The ferroresonance resistor is placed on the
top of switchgear on the CB relief flap for the
transportation (Fig. 52).
When moving the resistor from relief flap to LV
compartment (LVC) please follow pictogram
(Fig. 53) on the top of LVC.
The resistor has to be fixed by means of screws
on the top of the LVC (Fig. 54).
Assemble resistor prior to instalation of
preassure relief gas duct. Pay attention to the
resistor’s wires whilst installing gas duct.
Figure 49 Transport position of
antiferro-resonant resistor
Figure 50 Pictogram on the top of LVC
Figure 51 Correct position of
antiferro-resonant resistor