The control module type SPTO 1D2 reads
binary input signals and indicates the status of
these signals locally and remotely. The control
module also performs OPEN and CLOSE com-
The input channels 1…3 are used for reading
status information of circuit breakers and
disconnectors (objects). Each of these channels
includes two physical inputs, one for object
open and one for object closed information.The
module indicates the status information locally
on the front panel by means of LED indicators
and transfers the information to station level
equipment via the SPA bus.
The control module is able to read the status
information of maximum 3 objects. The front
panel has a matrix of status indication LEDs.
The configuration indicated by these LEDs is
freely programmable by the user.
Input channels 4…13 consist of one physical
binary input. These channels are used mainly to
transfer binary signals other than circuit breaker
and disconnector status information over the
SPA bus to the remote control system. There is
a local LED indication for the input channels
4…9 on the front panel.
The control module is able to give OPEN and
CLOSE commands for one object. The com-
mands may be given by means of the local push-
buttons, via the SPA bus or the input channels
4…13. The output is a pulse with programma-
ble pulse lenght.
An enable signal must be given by an interlock-
ing program before the OPEN or CLOSE out-
put pulse can be activated. The enable signal is
given on the basis of the status of input channels
1…3 and 4…13 and the programmed logic.
The signalling outputs, SIGNAL 1…3, can be
used to indicate the status of input channels
4…13. The selected output is active as long as
the input channel is active.
The outputs OPEN, CLOSE or SIGNAL1…3
can be controlled by the conditional direct
output control program. The program is similar
to that of interlocking. The user can define
when an output is to be activated. This is
depending on the status of inputs 1…3 and
4…13 and the programmed logic. The output
is active as long as the program gives the output
The control module SPTO 1D2 is able to
measure three phase currents and two mA sig-
nals. The mA inputs are used for measuring
active and reactive power. External measuring
transducers are needed.
Input channel 7 can be used as a pulse counter
for energy pulses. Energy can also be calculated
on the basis of the measured power.
The measured signals can be scaled and they are
indicated locally and over the SPA bus as actual
of functions
Control functions