on the protection; they are automatically updated on the display of the PR010/T unit, where
only the test current and the phase on which it is to be applied must be set.
• If during test, reading or programming operations, CB type and CT current rating are not yet
defined, the following message will be displayed:
To set the missing data, proceed as follows:
1. Press ENTER
2. Select the type of CB and the current rating of the CT
3. Store the settings by pressing ENTER
Connect the test wire provided (between the SACE PR010/T and the SACE
PR212/P) the right way round (see drawing in par. 6).
Manual test example for release PR212/P
the data indicating the type of CB and protection, the rated current of the
CTs and the Neutral setting, are automatically identified by the PR010/T.
In this example, protection function "S" is tested with curve t=k, threshold I2=1.00*In, curve
t2=0.5s supplying a fault current equivalent to 2 times the rated current (In).
Config. not valid
1. Set the PR212/P in Manual mode with: I1at 1In curve D, I2 at 1 In curve D T=K, I3 and I4
in OFF.
2. From the main menu select 1.
(Operation mode)
3. Select the PR212 unit with x.
4. Select the type of activity with 1.
5. Select the type of test with 1.
6. Select the test mode with 2.
7. Select the type of setting used to test the protections with
(User setting)
8. This appears: "Manual test with MAN parameters, press
ENTER to proceed".
9. Select the protection function you want to test with 2.
(S protection test)