Indications on operation
• The SACE PR010/T test unit can be used:
- in all SACE PR112/P and SACE PR112/PD protection releases in the version "without key".
- in all SACE PR112/P and SACE PR112/PD protection releases, in the version "with key",
having Sw version 2.20 or later and serial number later than No. xxxxx
x (for PR112/P) or No.
x (for PR112/PD).
The PR112 software release can be read on the display by choosing in
• Config/Program.
• Information
• The SACE PR112/PD releases must be connected to the auxiliary power supply for use with
the SACE PR010/T unit.
Remarks for PR112 in version "with key"
• G protection function test:
• If working in automatic mode, the threshold current must be set to a value higher than or
equal to 0.4xIn (if it is set at a lower value the PR010/T unit will reset it at 0.4xIn during the
test phase). The test current is equal to 2.5 times the threshold current.
• In the case of manual mode the test current is 1.5xIn.
• It is possible that after a test (with trip) on G protection function other trips of the protection
will occur during the next 2s.
• Contact wear for PR112:
• During testing on the PR112, with timing before trip higher than 10s, there could be an
increase in the indications contact wear and number of operations. After some tests wear could
reach 100% of the value, resulting in the appearance of the EMERGENCY message. This
indication can be reset by the customer by means of the following procedure:
• Choose in READ mode the page of the contact wear indication
• Choose EDIT mode by turning the key
• Hold down the "Up" and "Down" buttons simultaneously for at least 5 seconds.
• In this way the contact wear and number of operations indications will be reset to zero.
Connect the test wire provided (between the SACE PR010/T and the SACE
PR112) the right way round (see the adhesive labels on the connectors).