RHDE250 to RHDE4000 (Contrac)
… 1 Safety
Intended use
Control actuators are used exclusively for operating final control
elements (valves, valve flaps, etc.).
They may only be operated using a suited Contrac electronic unit
for field installation or mounting rack installation.
In addition to this operating instruction, the relevant
documentation for the electronic unit and software tool must be
Improper use
The following are considered to be instances of improper use of
the device:
• For use as a climbing aid, for example for mounting
• For use as a bracket for external loads, for example as a
support for piping, etc.
• Material application, for example by painting over the
housing, name plate or welding/soldering on parts.
• Material removal, for example by spot drilling the
Notes on data safety
This product is designed to be connected to and to
communicate information and data via a network interface.
It is operator’s sole responsibility to provide and continuously
ensure a secure connection between the product and your
network or any other network (as the case may be).
Operator shall establish and maintain any appropriate measures
(such as but not limited to the installation of firewalls,
application of authentication measures, encryption of data,
installation of anti-virus programs, etc.) to protect the product,
the network, its system and the interface against any kind of
security breaches, unauthorized access, interference, intrusion,
leakage and / or theft of data or information.
ABB Automation Products GmbH and its affiliates are not liable
for damages and / or losses related to such security breaches,
any unauthorized access, interference, intrusion, leakage and /
or theft of data or information.
Warranty provisions
Using the device in a manner that does not fall within the scope
of its intended use, disregarding this manual, using
underqualified personnel, or making unauthorized alterations
releases the manufacturer from liability for any resulting
damage. This renders the manufacturer's warranty null and void.
Manufacturer’s address
ABB Automation Products GmbH
Measurement & Analytics
Schillerstr. 72
32425 Minden
Tel: +49 571 830-0
Fax: +49 571 830-1806
Customer service center
Tel: +49 180 5 222 580
Email: [email protected]
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