GUID-7A4BF554-2CAB-4F53-BF76-4FDE3F78CDC3 V2 EN
Figure 60:
Selecting Import/Export settings
Export Settings
. The export file includes all parameters except status
parameters and parameters writable only in LHMI.
to export the settings to the computer.
Importing settings
The parameter export and import function can be utilized, for example, when the relay
parameters are set using the WHMI instead of PCM600. The relay settings engineered
with PCM600 can be exported to XRIO files and imported to the WHMI. The WHMI
can be used to write the settings to the protection relays. The WHMI can also be used
to read the relay setting parameters and to export those to files, which can be used by
PCM600. WHMI imports all parameters from the import file except lockable and read
only parameters.
The exporting and importing of settings is sensitive to the protection
relay contents. Settings are exported and imported for one protection
relay at a time. The export files of a specific protection relay can be
exchanged between PCM600, WHMI and the actual physical
protection relay. To avoid errors and to efficiently manage the
exporting and importing of settings, for example, in a substation with
several devices, ensure that the names of the export files identify the
protection relay to which the file should be imported.
Section 4
1MRS758754 B
Using the HMI
REC615 and RER615
Operation Manual