Two galvanically isolated digital inputs and three additional galvanically isolated
digital inputs on the optional I/O module
Disturbance recorder:
Recording time up to 80 seconds
Triggering by one or several internal or digital input signals
Records four analog channels and up to eight user-selectable digital channels
Adjustable sampling rate
Non-volatile memory for:
Up to 100 event codes with time stamp
Setting values
Disturbance recorder data
Recorded data of the five last events with time stamp
Number of AR shots and pickups/trips for protection elements
Operation target messages and LEDs showing the status at the moment of
power failure
HMI with an alphanumeric LCD and navigation buttons
Eight programmable LEDs
Multi-language support
User-selectable password protection for the HMI
Display of primary current values
Demand values
All settings can be modified with a PC
Optical front communication connection: wirelessly or via cable
Optional rear communication module with plastic fibre-optic, combined fibre-
optic (plastic and glass) or RS-485 connection for system communication using
the SPA-bus, IEC 60870-5-103 or Modbus (RTU and ASCII) communication
Optional DNP 3.0 rear communication module with RS-485 connection for
system communication using the DNP 3.0 communication protocol
Battery back-up for real-time clock
Battery charge supervision
Continuous self-supervision of electronics and software
Detachable plug-in unit
REF 610
REF 610
Feeder Protection Relay
Operator's Manual - ANSI Version