FEM630 |
Menu / parameter
Device Setup / . . .Sensor
Qv Max DN
The value provides the lower volume flow at a flow velocity of 32.8 ft/s (10 m/s).
The value is set automatically via the selected nominal diameter.
Qv Max 1
Setting the upper range value 1 (Measuring range = 0 to Qv Max 1) for the volume flow for forward flow and
reverse flow .
Default setting: 1 × Q
Qv Max 2
Setting the upper range value 2 (Measuring range = 0 to Qv Max 2) for the volume flow for forward flow and
reverse flow .
This parameter is only available if the value ‘Max2 active’ has been selected for the parameter ‘Qv Range Mode’.
Default setting: 1 × Q
Qv Range Mode
Manual switchover between the measuring ranges (Max1 active / Max2 active) for the volume flow
measurement. This parameter is only available if the value Qm and Qv or Range Mode Confighas been selected
for the parameter ‘Qv only’
Sensor Location Tag
Entry of the measuring point tag for the sensor.
Alphanumeric, max. 20 characters
Sensor Tag
Enter the tag number of the sensor.
Alphanumeric, max. 20 characters.
. . .Operating Mode
Selection of submenu ‘...Operating Mode’ using .
Device Setup / . . .Sensor / . . .Operating Mode
Flow Direction
Set the measuring direction for the sensor.
As delivered, the device measures and counts in both flow directions.
• Forward & Reverse: The device measures in both flow directions.
• Forward only: The device measures only forward flow direction.
• Reverse only: The device measures only reverse flow direction.
Default setting: Forward & Reverse
Flow Indication
Inversion of the displayed flow direction.
Default setting: Normal
8 . . .Operation
. . .Parameter descriptions