ABB i-bus
Set Brightness Value
Channel A
8 bit (EIS 6) DPT
C, W
Channel X Set Brightness Value [EIS 6; 1-byte value]:
The defined brightness value for the
corresponding channel is received via this object. It can be set whether the channel jumps or
dims to this value. A telegram with the value “0” switches the channel off. Brightness values
which lie above or below the predefined maximum or minimum value are not set. The respec-
tive maximum or minimum value is set instead. It can further be set whether a ballast which
is switched off immediately adopts a received brightness value and then switches on or only
after an ON command.
Telegram value
“0”: Off
“1”: Background brightness
“255” = 100%
Slave Operation On / Off
Channel A
1 bit (EIS 1)
DPT 1.010
C, R, W, U
Channel X Slave Operation On / Off [EIS 1; 1-bit switching]:
The slave mode enables a
channel to work together with a central lighting controller using the “Set Brightness Value”
object. This function can be switched on or off via the bus using the communication object
“Slave Operation On / Off”.
Telegram value
“1”: Switch on slave operation
“0”: Switch off slave operation
If the slave mode is active, the telegrams on the objects (channel X)
will be ignored. Telegrams on the object
“set brightness value”
are always execut-
ed regardless of whether the slave mode is active or not.
See section “Slave mode” for a description of the slave operating mode.
Burn in Lamps
Channel A
1 bit (EIS 1)
DPT 1.010
C, R, W, U
Channel X Burn in Lamps [EIS 1; 1-bit switching]:
The function “Burn in lamps” (see
parameter window) for protecting the ballasts and the lamp during the initial operati-
on is activated or deactivated via this object. After receipt of a telegram (value “1”), the lamps
of the channel can only be operated at 0% (Off) or 100% brightness for the parameterised
period. Afterwards, the channel can be dimmed as usual and the programmed lightscenes
can be retrieved. If another telegram (value “1”) should be received during the burn-in time,
the period restarts from the beginning. A telegram with the value “0” deactivates the function
and enables normal operation. The communication object is only visible of the parameter
“Burn in lamps” has been activated in the
parameter window. The burn-in time is only
counted if a DALI device is connected to the channel and is supplied with voltage.
Telegram value
“1”: Activate the function
“0”: Deactivate the function
Telegr. Status On / Off
Channel A
1 bit (EIS 1)
DPT 1.001
C, R, T
Channel X Telegr. Status On / Off [EIS 1; 1-bit switching]:
The current switching state of the
channel is sent or queried via this object (e.g. for visualisation purposes), depending on the
parameter setting (
parameter window). The communication object is only visible if the
parameter option “Send telegram ‘Status On/Off’” has been activated in the
Telegram value
“1”: On
Telegr. Status Brightness
Channel A
8 bit (EIS 6)
DPT 5.001
C, R, T
Channel X Telegr. Status Brightness Value [EIS 6; 1-byte value]:
The current brightness
state of the channel is sent or read out via this object (e.g. for visualisation purposes), depen-
ding on the parameter setting (
parameter window). The communication object is only
visible if the parameter option “Send telegram ‘Status Brightness Value” has been activated
in the
parameter window.
Note: The DALI brightness value 255 means that there is no brightness change of the
DALI unit. For this reason, the KNX command 255 (100 %) will be transformed into the maxi-
mum DALI value 254. Vice versa, the maximum DALI brightness value 254 will be transformed
to 255 (100%) at the KNX end.
Continuation Table 4: Communication objects “Channel X”
Project design and programming