Operation Manual / TPL76-C
5 Maintenance / 5.3 Cleaning the compressor during operation
© Copyright 2017 . All rights reserved.
Revision E
July 2017
Push the valve activator (Y) against the spring and hold it for 10 ... 15
seconds until the entire volume of water has been injected.
After cleaning, wait at least 5 minutes to allow turbocharger to dry.
The cleaning process can be repeated up to two times.
If the cleaning is still unsuccessful after three cleaning processes and the
engine values are unsatisfactory, it is recommended to have the tur-
bocharger checked and cleaned by an ABB Turbocharging Service Sta-
Cleaning parameters per turbocharger compressor
Product Engine load
Water temperature
Contents of water ves-
50 ... 85%
5 … 50
Surging of the compressor stage
Should repeated surging of the compressor stage occur during com-
pressor cleaning, first the cleaning parameters as well as the engine-side
system must be checked with regard to deviations (e.g. an increased
pressure loss in the charge air cooler) and corrected if necessary.
If, despite correct settings, surging of the compressor stage occurs
while cleaning the compressor, as a remedial measure the engine load
can be reduced further while cleaning the compressor. The reduction of
the engine load can lead to a reduction in the effectiveness of the com-
pressor cleaning.
To avoid a decreased engine availability, the compressor stage can be
cleaned at reduced engine load during the drying time after wet
cleaning of the turbine has been completed. (see section Wet cleaning
turbine and nozzle ring during operation). In this case, the water injec-
tion time for cleaning the compressor can be increased from ten to
forty seconds.