Changing the configuration
Thermal Mass Flowmeter FMT200-ECO2
42/14-41 EN
6.3 The page „actual settings“
Here you can see all actual parameters of the instrument..
Fig. 6-8
Instrument identification
• Serial number:
Serial number: unique number of the instrument. Please inform us of this number every time you have
questions concerning the instrument.
• Version:
Firmware revision of the instrument.
You can find information about the status of the connection in this window, displayed as text. Additionally
the status is represented by the light in the corner.
Fig. 6-9
Green means connection is ok, red means connection is interrupted.
Standard specification
If the FMT200-ECO2 (Sensyflow eco2) is operating with a standard volume flow measuring unit, you can
see the standard state conditions in this window. If the device is running with a mass flow unit, this win-
dows stays empty.
Fig. 6-10