Figure 22
AKR30/50 Retrofill Breaker Hoisted and Secured on Rails
10. Push the breaker into the compartment until it can't be pushed in any further and tog-
-gle the rail levers to latch the inner rail with outer rail. Push the retrofill breaker to
“test” position of the legacy breaker. This will be the disconnect position for the retro-
-fill breaker.
11. Note: Now the new retrofill breaker can be racked in, using the racking mechanism
provided in the breaker.
Figure 23
Latching Inner Rail with Outer Rail
15. Remove the racking tool from the storage location on the retrofill front panel and grab
the handle and extend the torque bar from inside the handle.
16. Use a blade-type screwdriver in the slot or rack-out lock of the breaker (fig. 24) and turn
it clockwise 45° to the right so that the racking handle shutter
©2022 Emax 2 Retrofill Circuit Breakers 800A-4000A 27
2TSA451014P0000 Rev-B