Figure 18
Latching Inner Rail with Outer Rail
Before modifying the switchgear compartment, de-energize/switch off the breaker. If the
circuit breaker is ON and the springs are charged, to turn it off, press the OPEN button on
the circuit breaker fascia, and ensure that the circuit breaker contacts are open.
It must be ensured that the supply power to the
compartment is turned off/ compartment is
de-energized for all the incoming and outgoing
circuits of the LVS prior to any work being
conducted on it.
During the installation and related work on the
equipment, it must be ensured that the operator
is using the prescribed PPE for the specified
Ensure only qualified personnel install, operate, service and maintain all electrical
Ensure circuit breaker and its accessories are always
used within their designated ratings.
Do not allow the circuit breaker to hit a hard surface
while handling.
Do not drag or slide the circuit breaker across a hard
or rough surface
A factory-installed rejection feature prevents mismatching circuit breakers and
cassettes/ substructure, preventing the insertion of a circuit breaker with a lower
rating into a higher rated cassette/substructure, or the insertion of a higher rated
circuit breaker into a lower rated cassette/substructure.
©2022 Emax 2 Retrofill Circuit Breakers 800A-4000A 23
2TSA451014P0000 Rev-B