Rev E
Connection of Reset button on Adam OSSD-Reset
Adam OSSD-Reset is a model prepared for monitored local reset. A reset light button can be
connected to pin 5 and Adam OSSD handles the monitored reset and the indication lamp of the
Reset button. Each Eden with a local reset can be reset individually and independently of the
others. Only when all Eden units in the safety circuit have been reset, the safety circuit itself is
reset and the machine can be restarted.
Any button with a NO-contact and an indication lamp can be used. See electrical connection below.
The maximum current consumption for the indication lamp is 30 mA. Smile 12RF and Smile 12RG
are Reset buttons with indication lamps from ABB Jokab Safety indented to be used together with
Adam OSSD-Reset. The minimum current consumption needed through the lamp is 10 mA. If no
lamp is used, a 4.7 kOhm resistor can be used instead.
The reset signal is accepted as valid only when the reset signal is high for more than 100 ms but
less than 3 s.
Cable length between Reset button and Adam sensor: max 10 m.
Reset indication lamp status
No valid Eva is detected, safety circuit is open.
Flash (0.4 s ON / 0.6 s OFF):
Valid Eva is detected. Waiting for reset.
The Reset button has been pressed and the safety
circuit is closed.
NB: OSSD IN can be contacted directly to +24 VDC if no previous OSSD unit exist in the safety
Several Eden must
be connected in parallel to a common Reset button. Each Eden
must be separately connected to a local reset.