Shutting Down and Packing the Gas Analyzer
Packing the Gas Analyzer
Remove adapters from the the gas ports and tightly seal the gas
If the original packaging is not available, wrap the gas analyzer in
bubble wrap or corrugated cardboard. When shipping overseas,
additionally shrink-wrap the gas analyzer air-tight in 0.2 mm thick
polyethylene film adding a drying agent (such as silica gel). The
amount of drying agent should be appropriate for the package volume
and the expected shipping duration (at least 3 months).
Pack the gas analyzer in an adequately sized box lined with shock-
absorbing material (foam or similar). The thickness of the shock-
absorbing material should be adequate for the weight of the gas
analyzer and the mode of dispatch. When shipping overseas,
additionally line the box with a double layer of bitumen paper.
Mark the box as "Fragile Goods".
Ambient Temperature
Ambient temperature during storage and transport: –25 to +65 °C
When you return the gas analyzer to the service department, e.g. for
repair, please state which gases have been supplied to the gas
analyzer. This information is needed so that service personnel can take
any requisite safety precautions for harmful gases.