0 = Abort the battery test
1 = Start the battery test
Battery test status
The status of the battery testing is available for the protocol communication. The
information object is defined in the configuration file section
0 = Idle (not testing the battery)
1 = Testing (discharging the battery by using external load)
2 = Test complete
3 = Test aborted
Battery capacity
The measured battery capacity can be reported as a short floating-point value. The
reporting unit is ampere-hours Ah. For settings, see the general floating-point input
settings. The measured capacity is always reported after the test is completed. The
information object is defined in the configuration file section
Measurement file
The device can generate the internal measurement file from the battery capacity
testing. The measurement file is written every
and each line
contains a time stamp, status, battery voltage, discharge current and the charge
consumed so far. The file header contains the unloaded battery voltage before the load
is applied. The last line of the file contains information whether the test was completed
successfully or aborted for a specific reason.
Measurement functions
The device measures the battery voltage and the ambient temperature. The
temperature measurement is calibrated to measure the ambient temperature of the
device mounted in an enclosure. The temperature measurement is used to compensate
for the charging voltage of the batteries and for activating or deactivating heating in
cold environments. The battery voltage is measured as two values: the minimum
battery voltage and the maximum current during control operation. The minimum
battery voltage indicates the lowest voltage measured during a battery test or during
an object's operation. The battery-charging voltage indicates the present voltage on
the battery poles. The values can be read from the network control center via the
supported communication protocols. The minimum battery voltage and the maximum
current can be reset via the serial bus.
1MRS758459 C
Section 4
Functional description
User Manual