8 OI/266/LowP-EN Rev.A
| 2600T Series Pressure transmitters
3 Transmitter overview
3.2 Range & Span consideration
The 2600T Transmitter Specification Sheets provide all
information concerning the Range and Span limits in relation to
the model and the sensor code.
The terminology currently used to define the various
parameters is as follows:
URL: Upper Range Limit of a specific sensor. The highest
value of the measured value that the transmitter can
be adjusted to measure.
LRL: Lower Range Limit of a specific sensor. The lowest
value of the measured value that the transmitter can
be adjusted to measure.
URV: Upper Range Value. The highest value of the
measured value to which the transmitter is calibrated.
LRV: Lower Range Value. The lowest value of the
measured value to which the transmitter is calibrated.
SPAN: The algebraic difference between the Upper and
Lower Range Values. The minimum span is the
minimum value that can be used without degradation
of the specified performance.
TD: (or Turn Down Ratio) is the ratio between the
maximum span and the calibrated span.
The transmitter can be calibrated with any range between the
LRL and the URL with the following limitations: