for GNU Debugger, BDI2000 (ARM)
User Manual
© Copyright 1997-2005 by ABATRON AG Switzerland
V 1.17
3.4.1 Command list
"MD [<address>] [<count>] display target memory as word (32bit)",
"MDH [<address>] [<count>] display target memory as half word (16bit)",
"MDB [<address>] [<count>] display target memory as byte (8bit)",
"DUMP <addr> <size> [<file>] dump target memory to a file",
"MM <addr> <value> [<cnt>] modify word(s) (32bit) in target memory",
"MMH <addr> <value> [<cnt>] modify half word(s) (16bit) in target memory",
"MMB <addr> <value> [<cnt>] modify byte(s) (8bit) in target memory",
"MT <addr> <count> memory test",
"MC [<address>] [<count>] calculates a checksum over a memory range",
"MV verifies the last calculated checksum",
"RD [<name>] display general purpose or user defined register",
"RDUMP [<file>] dump all user defined register to a file",
"RDALL display all ARM registers ",
"RDCP <number> display control processor 15 register",
"RDIB [<number>] display IceBreaker register",
"RM {<nbr>
<name>} <value> modify general purpose or user defined register",
"RMCP <number> <value> modify control processor 15 register",
"RMIB <number> <value> modify IceBreaker register",
"BOOT reset the BDI and reload the configuration",
"RESET [HALT | RUN [time]] reset the target system, change startup mode",
"GO [<pc>] set PC and start current core",
"GO <n> <n> [<n>[<n>]] start multiple cores in requested order",
"TI [<pc>] single step an instruction",
"HALT [<n>[<n>[<n>[<n>]]]] force core(s) to debug mode (n = core number)",
"BI <addr> [<mask>] set instruction breakpoint",
"CI [<id>] clear instruction breakpoint(s)",
"BD [R|W] <addr> [<data>] set data watchpoint (32bit access)",
"BDH [R|W] <addr> [<data>] set data watchpoint (16bit access)",
"BDB [R|W] <addr> [<data>] set data watchpoint ( 8bit access)",
"BDM [R|W] <addr> [<mask>] set data watchpoint with address mask",
"CD [<id>] clear data watchpoint(s)",
"INFO display information about the current state",
"LOAD [<offset>] [<file> [<format>]] load program file to target memory",
"VERIFY [<offset>] [<file> [<format>]] verify a program file to target memory",
"PROG [<offset>] [<file> [<format>]] program flash memory",
" <format> : SREC, BIN, AOUT, ELF or COFF",
"ERASE [<address> [<mode>]] erase a flash memory sector, chip or block",
" <mode> : CHIP, BLOCK or SECTOR (default is sector)",
"ERASE <addr> <step> <count> erase multiple flash sectors",
"UNLOCK [<addr> [<delay>]] unlock a flash sector",
"UNLOCK <addr> <step> <count> unlock multiple flash sectors",
"FLASH <type> <size> <bus> change flash configuration",
"FENA <addr> <size> enable autoamtic programming to flash memory",
"FDIS disable autoamtic programming to flash memory",
"DELAY <ms> delay for a number of milliseconds",
"SELECT <core> change the current core",
"SCAN <nbr><len>[<...b2b1b0>] Access a JTAG scan chain, b0 is first scanned",
" len : the number of bits 1..256",
" bx : a data byte, two hex digits",
"HOST <ip> change IP address of program file host",
"PROMPT <string> defines a new prompt string",
"CONFIG display or update BDI configuration",
"CONFIG <file> [<hostIP> [<bdiIP> [<gateway> [<mask>]]]]",
"HELP display command list",
"QUIT terminate the Telnet session"