JTAG debug interface for SeeCode™ Debugger, BDI2000 (PPC744x/745x)
User Manual 18
© Copyright 1999-2003 by ABATRON AG
V 1.00
5 Working with SeeCode
5.1 Starting SeeCode
In order to use the BDI as the target interface, use the following command to start SeeCode.
scppc -DLL=ppcbdi -io=port[,baud] [program [arguments]]
Specifies the IP address of the BDI2000 or the serial communication port
where the BDI is connected. If a name is used for the IP address, there
must be an appropriate entry in the
hosts file.
= the BDI is serial connected to the COM1 connector = the IP address of the BDI
= the name for the BDI in the
hosts file
If the BDI is serial connected, this second parameter defines the used
baudrate (e.g. 115200). If the BDI2000 is connected via ethernet, do not
enter any value as second parameter.
Some examples:
scppc -DLL=ppcbdi -io=COM1,57600 a.out
scppc -DLL=ppcbdi -io=
scppc -DLL=ppcbdi -io=BDI2000
When using the debugger in GUI mode, you may also use the debuggers Option dialog to select the
appropriate BDI communication parameters. This way you can simply start SeeCode as follows:
For more information about debugger startup, consult SeeCode documentation.