JTAG debug interface for SeeCode™ Debugger, BDI2000 (PPC744x/745x)
User Manual 17
© Copyright 1999-2003 by ABATRON AG
V 1.00
4.1 Startup Mode
Startup mode defines how the BDI interacts with the target system after a reset or power up
4.1.1 Startup mode RESET
In this mode no ROM is required on the target system. The necessary initialization is done by the BDI
with the programmed init list. The following steps are executed by the BDI after system reset or
system power up:
• HRESET is activated on the target system.
• HRESET is deactivated and the target is forced into debug mode.
• The BDI works through the initialization list.
The RESET mode is the standard working mode. Other modes are used in special cases (i.e.
applications in ROM, special requirements on the reset sequence...).
4.1.2 Startup Mode STOP
In this mode the initialization code is in a ROM on the target system. The code in this ROM handles
base initialization. At the end of the code, the initialization program enters an endless loop until it is
interrupted by the BDI. This mode is intended for special requirements on the reset sequence (e.g.
loading a RAM based programmable logic device).
In this mode the following steps are executed by the BDI after system reset or power up:
• HRESET is activated on the target system.
• HRESET is deactivated and the target begins executing application code.
• After a delay (Run Time), the target is forced into debug mode.
• The BDI works through the initialization list.
4.1.3 Startup mode RUN
This mode is used to debug an application which is already stored in ROM. The application is started
normally and will be stopped when the debugger is started.
In this mode, the following steps are executed by the BDI after system reset or power up:
• HRESET is activated on the target system.
• HRESET is deactivated and the target begins executing application code.
• The application runs until it is stopped by the debugger.