User’s Manual Version 1.3
Airolinx Wireless Serial-Ethernet Server
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serial device to one or multiple host computers. Vice versa is also true. For example, The original RS-422/
RS485 bus is transferred and extended connecting distance by serial servers, The destination IP is
assigned by single IP or group IPs, The configuration is limited by the Local Listening Port (For example,
on STW listening port is 4660 which receive data sending from the host computers)
STW can support up to 4-group IPs for UDP connection, if users needed.
Fig. 55. UDP protocol in Link mode
Note: UDP mode doesn’t support Virtual COM mode yet.
4.4.7. Configuring Serial Setting
This filed can configure serial parameters for STW. Here one may configure Serial parameters, include
UART Mode, baud rate, parity, data bit and type of flow control you wanted
Configuring UART Mode: RS-232 or RS-485 or RS-422
Baud rate: 1200/2400/4800/9600/19200/38400/57600/115200
Parity: None or Odd or Even or Mark or Space
Data bits: 7 or
Stop bits: 1 or 2
Flow Control: None or Xon/Xoff or Hardware (RTS/CTS)
Fig. 56. COM settings from Serial Web Page