User’s Manual Version 1.3
Airolinx Wireless Serial-Ethernet Server
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Fig. 19. SNMP Settings by Telnet
4.2.3. Configuring Serial
Here one may configure COM1 parameters, include COM1 operation mode, port parameters, enabling or
disabling serial buffer’s data and packet delimiter.
4.2.4. Configuring Link Mode – TCP Server Mode
Operation: [Main]
[4 Serial Settings]
[1 Link mode]
[1 TCP Server]
TCP Server mode is default setting for Link mode of serial settings, and it can be configured in a TCP
server mode on an Ethernet or Wireless Network to wait for the host computers to establish a connection
with the serial device (the client). After the connection is established, data can flow in both directions and
can wait for connect request from remote PC with installed “serial-to IP” tool or counter-pair Serial server
in tunneling mode. It needs to configure listening port to establish connection, Default Port number of
STW is 4660 and it is associated with the serial port COM1. After the application program being
connected to the TCP port 4660 on the STW, data of your application program are transparent to both
COM1 and STW.
IP filtering function is a simple ACL (Access Control List) disabled by setting FILTER_IP to “”.
One may configure one or group IPs for source IP. If IP filter is enabled, only source IP assigned is
connected to STW.
Fig. 20. TCP Server mode in link mode
Tip. Enable Virtual COM mode if the remote site PC’s “Serial to IP” tool installed.
4.2.5. Configuring Link Mode – TCP Client Mode
Operation: [Main]
[4 Serial Settings]
[1 Link mode]
[2 TCP Client]
On destination IP & port (default: 4660) enter desired destination IP and port as a TCP client (For example,
another serial server, or PC for data-collection). The STW can support two destination host computers