+33 4 7642 9550
Cantar-X User Manual v2.26 (r13) 2009 April 27
01 Disk Status
Unmount Mount
Two CPUs can't simultaneously control Cantar's drives.
Unmounting the internal HDD and DVD-RAM drives puts
them out of the control of Cantar's CPU while keeping them
powered. A FireWire connected PC or Mac can then see
them as standard devices on which to edit the audio files
and transfer software updates.
While using a Mac laptop, you must install 'WriteUDF' to
be able to modify the metadata on a DVD-RAM disk in the
Cantar burner (see
before disconnecting the FireWire cable,
FIRST, eliminate the 'disc' icon from the PC or Mac desktop,
THEN disconnect the cable. Ignoring this rule will trigger a
warning message, but it will be too late; the audio files may
already be corrupted.
02 Digi Power
Off On
'Off' saves 110mA@48kHz, 200mA@96kHz. The digi 1
to digi 6 icons of the circular screens blink as a reminder to
turn 'On' the sample rate converters that have been routed
but not powered up.
* DigiLoop triggers the powering of the AES converters and dis-
ables the Rec&Play 'playback-track to digi-in' internal connection
when using the Aaton AES-Mixer accessory. (Dec. 2008)
03 Save Setup
all user settings
No Yes
All of Cantar's physical settings (In-Grids, Out-Maps,
TECHSET and AUDIO/TC parameters, mic filters, etc.) are
saved in XML files on the external HDD (or the internal HDD
if there is no external drive connected). To ensure a unique
name for each group of settings (called Setup), it is named
by the last recorded filetag, e.g. A.xml. As many
Setups as desired can be saved, keep them in the internal
Since they can be used in another Cantar, copy them onto
a laptop before returning a rented machine, next time you
will re-import them and be ready to go, a great timesaving
operation ! And think about tthe time you spent setting the
re-recording In-Grids (p.28)
, save them forever!
On an internet browser, provided you keep the .xml exten-
sion, you can replace the 'latest-filetag' name with a more
personal name, e.g.
.xml or
in case of an operational problem, perform a 'Save
Setup', attach it to your mail to [email protected]
explaining the problem. This will help Aaton engineers pro-
vide you with a solution.
04 Load Setup
No Yes
Opening '
Load Setup
' makes Cantar look for .xml suffixed
files in the external and internal HDDs. Select the setup to
load, e.g. Custom01, [ok]. Press [shift] to reboot.
05 Backlight
In bright sunlight, save power by turning 'OFF' the backlight.
To insure visibility whatever the startup lighting environment,
the rectangular screen doesn't go down to 0%, this offset is
maintained throughout the adjustment range.
06 Display dB
While adjusting a fader, its dBFS value is displayed with the
other faders found in the same mic, line or mixer bank.
Ejecting the Cantar Disk
01 Disk (un)mount
02 Digi in/out power
03/04 Save / Load Setup
05 Backlight
06 View Fader dB
07 Record beeps
08 Clip detection beep
09 Lack of ext. clock beep
10/11 Beep routing/level
12 Meter ballistics
13 Peak hold duration
14/15 Bat L / Bat R alert
16 HDD Power Down
17 Serial Com. port
18 Factory Reset
19 Max File Size
20 Temperature Control
21/22 System Time/Date
23 Equipement IDs
24 License key
25 Software version info
26 Software install