Using the Display and Operating Elements
Moving the Cursor
You want to go to a certain character for an input or correction.
With the navigation key you can move the cursor to the left or right.
Menu-Guided Navigation
Accessing the menu
The phone is in standby mode:
Navigating with the navigation key
You can retrieve a particular menu entry even more simply and efficiently using the navigation
key. You can scroll vertically and horizontally through the different menu entries.
Move the cursor with the horizontal navigation key.
Press the Foxmenu.
The menu is displayed.
Press the
The first menu entry is displayed.
Use the vertical navigation key to scroll through the menu entries.
Press the Foxkey.
Accessing the displayed menu.
Horizontal navigation key:
Left: scrolls back through the menu.
Right: scrolls forward through the menu, opens displayed menu, retrieves
detailed information.
Vertical navigation key:
Bottom: scrolls downwards in the list.
Top: scrolls upwards in the list.