RN-001037-03 REV19 - 07.2014
New Features in Release 3.3.1 SP4
This section provides the new features in SIP IP Phone Release 3.3.1 SP4. The following
table summarizes each new feature and provides a link to more information within
this release note. Each feature also specifies whether it affects the Administrator, the
User, or the XML Developer.
This table may also provide the documentation location of features that have already
been documented in Aastra’s documentation suite. Refer to those documents for
more information about the applicable feature.
Configuration Features
Configurable Display Modes for BLF
and BLF/List Softkey Labels
(For Administrators)
The manner in which labels for BLF and BLF/List softkeys are dis-
played can now be configured by Administrators. In the primary
(default) display mode, when a label exceeds the maximum charac-
ters the respective phone’s screen can display, the phone adds an
ellipsis (i.e. “...”) at the end of the label indicating the label has been
automatically truncated. In the secondary display mode, the phone
does not automatically truncate the label and simply displays as
many characters as the area reserved for the label allows.
*New for 6735i, 6737i, and 6867i only
6867i Preferred Line Support
(For Administrators and Users)
Implemented in Release 3.3.1 SP4, Administrators and users can
now specify a preferred line settings. If defined, the phone will auto-
matically switch to the preferred line after a call ends or when dial-
ing out to make a call. The amount of time it takes for the phone to
switch to the preferred line can also be specified.
*New for 6867i only
Feature previously available for all other phone models
SIP Features
Configurable Codec Negotiation
(For Administrators)
A new configuration parameter has been introduced in Release
3.3.1 SP4 allowing Administrators the ability to change the phone’s
codec negotiation behavior so that the phone will indicate only one
preferred codec in the SDP Answer when replying to an SDP Offer
(as per 3GPP TS 24.229).
*New for all phone models
Configurable DNS Maximum Cache
TTL Settings
(For Administrators)
Previously, the DNS maximum cache Time To Live (TTL) settings on
the phone were unconfigurable and statically set to 5 minutes. In
Release 3.3.1 SP4, Administrators can manually set the DNS maxi-
mum cache TTL settings for both negative and positive responses
on the phone.
*New for all phone models