Product information
Applications Card CPU2
syd-0421/1.2 – R2.1 – 07.2012
Installation guide
We are pleased you were able to convince your customer of the benefits of a
Aastra communication solution. Our products stand for the highest quality
standards, combined with a high-quality design.
The present intructions take you through the installation and initial
configuration of the Aastra 470 communication server applications card.
Please read the instructions carefully before proceeding with the installation
and commissioning of the application card.
Product information
Purpose and function
Aastra 400 is an open, modular and comprehensive communication solution for
the business sector with several communication servers of different performance
and expansion capacity, an extensive telephone portfolio and a multitude of
expansions. They include an application server for unified communications and
multimedia services, an FMC controller for mobile phone integration, an open
interface for application developers, and a multitude of expansion cards and
The business communication solution with all its elements was designed to cover
the full spectrum of communication requirements of businesses and organizations
in a user and maintenance-friendly way. The individual products and parts are co-
ordinated and cannot be used for other purposes or replaced by outside products
or parts (except to connect up other authorized networks, applications and phones
to the interfaces certified for that purpose).
The application card CPU2 comprises a PC with hard disk. The application card is
fitted on the backplane of the communication server, from which it is connected to
the LAN switch and power-supply unit. The application card is managed via
WebAdmin. Although the connections in front allow direct operation via the
keyboard, mouse and monitor, this option is not meant.
The operating system Windows Server 2008 and the following Aastra applications
are preinstalled on the application card’s.
• Open Interfaces Platform OIP including all integrated applications
• Aastra 400 CCS expansion application
• Aastra 400 Fax Service fax application
• TWP CTI application.