Does the USB3 record 16 Bits or 24 bits?
Both, but keep reading. Unlike many USB audio devices, the USB3 has high-end
24 Bit A/D converters inside the unit and is fully 24 bit compatible and will
record 24 bits using the right software. However, most standard audio software
can only record 16 bits using the standard USB audio driver provided by the
operating system. Most software companies are working to update this and
when ready should vastly expand the possibilities of the USB3. However, it is
important to note that by using only the audio software that comes with the
USB3, you will only be able to record at16 bits.
If you want to record 24 bits with the USB3 today, there are solutions already
available. If you are a PC user, than some software from Sonic Foundry
) such as ACID or Sound Forge 5.0 will allow you to
record 24 bits with the USB3.
Keep in mind that all CD’s are recorded at 16 bit, so the USB3 is perfect for high-
resolution, professional CD recording. Ultimately, even if you don’t need to use
the 24 bit capability right out of the box, it’s nice to know the 24 bit option is
Will the USB3 make my audio sound better?
Yes. Especially if you are using the standard audio hardware that came with your
computer. Aardvark uses high quality components and completely shields your
audio from any unwanted computer noise. The result is clean, detailed,
professional sounding audio.
I already have a regular soundcard, do I need to deactivate it to use the USB3?
There is no need to deactivate your computer’s other soundcard. The USB3
seamlessly integrates with other multimedia devices. You can configure
Windows to recognize either the USB3 or your other soundcard as the preferred
multimedia device.
Can I play MP3 files through the USB3?
Absolutely! Professional design and high-end components make the USB3
perfect for enjoying MP3 audio. Most MP3 players will automatically play out of
the computer’s preferred audio device, so just make sure that’s set to the
Aardvark USB3 and you should be able to listen to any MP3 file through the line
outputs or even through the convenient headphone output right on the front of
the unit.