In order to install the USB3 you MUST be running MAC OS
9.0.4 or newer. Aardvark highly recommends Mac OS 9.1, which is a free
upgrade for any user of 9.0.x. Aardvark is not the manufacturer of this
Power up your MAC, USB installation is typically easier with the
power on.
2. Using the provided USB cable, connect the USB3 to the USB port
of your Mac. Do not use any of the USB ports on your keyboard as they
will not provide enough power to operate the USB3
3. Go to the Apple menu in the upper left,
select Sound from the Control Panels
folder submenu. This will take you to
the sound configuration menu.
4. On the INPUT tab, select the Line in of
your USB audio device as your
preferred input device. You can also
use this tab to measure the input
signal level.
5. On the OUTPUT tab, two options will
now be available. The first is “Built-in”
which will play sound through external
speakers connected to the Macintosh
or through the Mac’s built-in speakers
if no external speakers are connected.
The second option will play sound
through the USB3’s outputs, allowing
you to route the output signal to
external devices.