AutoLift AL-8803
Attention: For environment protection, please dispose the disused oil in a proper way.
1.4 Warnings (Read and understand all safety warnings before operation)
All safety warning labels are clearly depicted on the hoist to ensure that the operator is aware of and avoids the dangers of
using the hoist in an incorrect manner. The labels must be kept clean and they have to be replaced if detached or
damaged. Please read carefully the meaning of each label.
1.5 Sound Level
The sound emitted from the hoist should not exceed 75DB. For the sake of your health, we suggest putting a noise detector in
your working area.
1.6 Training
Only properly trained people are allowed to operate the hoist.
2. Overview of the hoist
2.1 General descriptions
The hoist is driven by an electro-hydraulic system. The gear pump delivers hydraulic oil to oil cylinders and pushes upwards
their pistons to raise the platforms. For this model, we offer two safety solutions: one with anti-surge valve in hydraulic system
to prevent sudden drop down of platform in case
oil hose
, the other with anti-surge valve and an extra pneumatic
safety lock.
Pneumatic safety lock.