If you don’t want your alarm to be monitored by a security company, but still wish to know if any activations oc-
curs, then the Domestic Dial option could be for you.
If a phone number on your Elite S-Lite Controller’s is set to Domestic Dial, when an activation occurs that number
will be called and siren tone will be played down the line to you. Then you need to acknowledge it by pressing the
# key on the phone.
Telephone number 1 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
Telephone number 2 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
Telephone number 3 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
Telephone number 4 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
With the Elite S-Lite you can report both Formats ‘Contact ID and Domestic Dial’ on the same job.
As each phone number is setup independently.
Step 1:
Connect across the incoming phone line between the street and the first jack point.
Step 2:
Enable the dialler. In Installer Mode press
<PROGRAM> <175> <ENTER> <1> <ENTER>
(then turn ON option
) and
P 175 E 1 E 1 E
Step 3:
Phone number 1 to 8, In Installer Mode press
<PROGRAM> <181>
<ENTER> <1-8>
(now key in your phone number) and
P 181 E 1 E 021555123 E
(the new phone number 1 would be 021555123)
Step 4:
Phone number 1 to 8 Reporting Format. In Installer Mode press
<PROGRAM> <182>
<1-8> <ENTER>
(now turn ON option
) and
P 182 E 1 E 2 E
(phone number 1 is now set to Domestic Dial).
Step 5:
Maximum Dial Attempts. Each phone number set to Domestic Dial will need dial attempts changed.
In Installer Mode press
<PROGRAM> <184>
<ENTER> <1-8> <ENTER> <3> <ENTER>.
P 184 E 1 E 3 E
(phone number 1 now has maximum dial attempts set to 3).
Step 6:
Reporting Options. Each phone number set to Domestic Dial will need 2 reporting options turned
off. So in Installer Mode press
<PROGRAM> <176>
<ENTER> <4> <ENTER> <0>
<PROGRAM> <176>
<ENTER> <5> <ENTER> <0>
P176 E 4 E 0 E
(mains fail, reporting on domestic dial has been turned off).
P176 E 5 E 0 E
(mains restore, reporting on domestic dial has been turned off).
Step 7:
Exit program mode by pressing and holding
Step8 :
Testing. With the phone learnt into slot 1 on hand, Arm the panel and wait for the exit delay to
finish. Then walk in front of a PIR, the entry delay should start, followed by the sirens sounding.
Disarm the panel to make the sirens stop. The phone should now be ringing, answer it and listen.
A siren tone should play for 3 seconds on 2 seconds off. While the tone is off press and hold the #
key to acknowledge the call, the alarm panel will then hang up. (if the # key will not hang up the
panel try a different key)
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