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Aanderaa Data Instruments AS – TD302
Short description and specifications
In most measuring systems used in the sea, pressure is a vital parameter to derive other parameters like the
water density and the speed of sound. For deep water moorings the pressure can be used to determine the
actual depth of the instrument. For fixed installations on the seabed the pressure can be used for deriving the
water level and wave parameters.
The Pressure sensor, Tide sensor and the Wave and Tide sensor are compact yet intelligent sensors designed for
use on Aanderaa SeaGuard and SmartGuard as well as in other measuring systems. These sensors measure the
absolute pressure based on a silicon piezoresistive bridge. The pressure measurements are sampled and
temperature compensated by an advanced Digital Signal Processor. A temperature thermistor is located next to
the pressure bridge,
Since all calibration and raw data are stored inside the sensor, the parameters can be presented directly in
engineering units without any external calculations.
The output formats of the 4117, 5217, and 5218 are AiCaP and RS-232, while the output format of the 4117R,
5217R, and 5218R are RS-422. The sensors can be used in polled operation when set to Smart Sensor Terminal
The 4117, 5217, and 5218 version fits directly on to the top end plate of Aanderaa
SeaGuard Platform. The
sensor is then used in AiCaP mode. When used with SmartGuard both AiCaP and RS-232 mode can be used. The
sensors may also be used as a stand-alone RS-232 sensor for other applications.
The R-versions (4117R, 5217R, and 5218R) cannot be used on a
SeaGuard platform. This sensor is for use with
SmartGuard or as stand-alone RS-422 sensor on longer cables.
The first letter in the product number gives the maximum deployment depth for the sensor, refer datasheet for
more info.
A 4117, 5217, and 5218 sensor cannot be made into an R-version, and a 4117R, 5217R, and 5218R sensor
cannot be made into a AiCaP or RS-232 sensor after delivery.