How to get the most out of your 7001s
No matter how good all your audio components are, their performance will only reach
whatever condition the room they dictate.
Apart from the qualities of room acoustics, one of the major contributors to audio
degradation is room noise which will not only affect dynamic range of your system but also
How do you measure noise?
This can be done with a Sound Pressure Level (SPL) meter. (Low cost ones are available
from Radio Shack.) Typically the noise floor in a domestic environment is around 35-40dB
(A Weighting) and 50-55dB (C Weighting) The difference between A and C weighting is that
A weighting is full frequency noise and therefore this will be a lot higher reading than C
weighting which is bandwidth limited.
The bi-wire connection method requires one amplifier and
two sets of speaker wires. By removing the shorting bars,
connections may be made to the individual network
sections using four conductors, one for each of the four
terminals. Depending on what cable you are using this
method of wiring can improve the resolution of your audio
The A-curve is a wide band-pass filter centered
at 2.5 kHz, with ~20 dB attenuation at 100 Hz,
and ~10 dB attenuation at 20 kHz, therefore it
tends to heavily roll-off the low end, with a more
modest effect on high frequencies
High Frequency
Low Frequency