AAD 7001 Owner s Manual
Thank you for choosing the 7001 loudspeaker system. This is our most advanced high
performance loudspeaker ever to come out of the AAD stable, a true thoroughbred based
on the design philosophy of Phil Jones, a loudspeaker that produces a corresponding
acoustic output to exactly the electrical signal it is fed: no more, no less.
As this speaker is so revealing, any changes with equipment associated in the signal path
will result in considerable audible differences in the speaker. Any character of the speaker
will be from the recording of the music you are listening to. The 7001 will only perform at
its best with the purist audio signal possible. Small power amplifiers are out of the
To assemble stands please read the separate instruction manual on stand assembly. If you
have difficulty in assembling stands, contact your dealer who will be able to assemble these
for you.
Make sure that the speakers are bolted firmly on the stand. The dedicated ST-7001 stand is
designed to give 7001 maximum performance.
Speaker Placement
This is the first step in obtaining the most realistic sound possible. The 7001 frequency
response goes well beyond any other similar size high-performance monitor speaker. The
ultra wide dispersion of high frequencies is so superior that even at 20KHz (The upper limit
of human hearing), this speaker can still deliver almost its full energy at 90 degrees of axis.
No other speaker we know of is capable of achieving this feat.
Ideally speakers should be out at same distance from
rear wall. Left and right speaker should also have the
same distance off side walls from each other.
Your listening position should be at the apex of a
triangle 40-60 degree angle.
40 -60