Pump Motors
Level 2
Overvoltage. This needs correction by the
power company.
High ambient temperature. Pool motors are
normally designed to operate in higher ambi-
ents (50˚C) than jet pump motor which usual-
ly have short duty cycles. Artificially high
ambients may be created if the motor oper-
ates in a confined space and recirculates the
Protect the motor from excess heat by shad-
ing from the sun with a motor cover such as
the Blue Devil™ unit illustrated here. It is
important that a motor cover provides fresh
air circulation and does not allow air heated
by the motor to recirculate.
Reduced air flow. Foreign material such as
grass clippings, leaves, lint and bugs and
small lizards may plug air passages.
If the motor has an internal cooling fan, is it
intact and functioning properly?
Application overload. In cases of flooded suc-
tion or positive pressure on the inlet to the
pump, flow may be increased, overloading the
Misapplication. Specific motor and impeller
combinations are sized to do a specific job. In
most cases, the impeller loads the motor to
the service factor horsepower. It is absolutely
imperative that a replacement motor is able
to develop the same or higher total horsepow-
er (nameplate horsepower X service factor) as
the motor being replaced.
Compare the running amperage of the motor
with MAXIMUM LOAD or SF amps. If
amperage is higher than MAXIMUM LOAD
or SF amps, with proper voltage applied,
determine cause of overload.
8200 MC-200
(fits 1/3 HP to 2 HP motors)