Bei Unklarheiten und im Zweifelsfall die Ausrüstung nicht verwenden und/oder den Hersteller kontaktieren.
Der Anschlagpunkt darf sich nur auf der gleichen Höhe wie die Kante (scharfe Kante) befinden über die eine Absturz-
gefahr besteht.
Der Umlenkungswinkel an der Kante über welche eine Absturzgefahr besteht sollte nicht mehr als 90°sein (gemessen
zwischen den beiden umgelenkten Seilenden).
Der erforderliche Freiraum unterhalb einer Absturzkante, über die eine Absturzgefahr besteht, ergibt sich aus der
Anwendung und der verwendeten Ausrüstung.
Um einen Sturz der in einem Auspendeln (Pendelmoment) endet abzuschwächen sollte darauf geachtet werden das der
Arbeitsplatz bzw. die mögliche Seitwärtsbewegung, während der Arbeiten, an beiden Seiten auf ein Minimum von
1,50 m
begrenzt wird.
Bei einer Risiko-Beurteilung/Evaluierung des Arbeitsplatzes ist darauf zu achten, dass während einem Sturz aus einer Höhe ein
Verletzungsrisiko durch Gebäudevorstände, Gerüstkonstruktion, Stahlträger, Holzbalken und baulichen Konstruktionen besteht.
Es muss auch bei einer Risiko-Beurteilung/Evaluierung des Arbeitsplatzes ein mögliches Rettungsszenario erstellt werden und
einsatzbereit vorliegen bzw. montiert werden.
Punkte b) und c)
der PPE-Directive 89/686/EEC
– CNB/P/11.054 bleiben hier unbehandelt da sich die beiden
Punkte spezifisch auf Höhensicherungsgeräte beziehen.
Das Scharfkantenseil
„EDGER“ hat alle Prüfungen gehalten ohne das Prüfgewicht von 100 kg fallen zu lassen. Dennoch ist immer auf
eine Beschädigung des Seils zu achten, da der Mantel des Seil an der scharfen Kante beschädigt werden kann, was in weiterer Folge
zur Aussonderung des Artikels führt. Es empfiehlt sich daher zusätzliche Vorsichtsmaßnahmen zum Schutz des Scharfkantenseils
„EDGER“ zu treffen und Kantenschoner zu verwenden. Dadurch kann die Lebensdauer des Scharfkantenseils „EDGER“ erhöht
products have been manufactured and checked with a great deal of care and under very rigorous quality criteria. So, the
requirements for safe use have been observed. Now it is up to you to use the product in the CORRECT way.
Please keep these instructions for use with the product, so you will
be able to refer to them in case of problems and fill in the TEST SHEET (
occupational safety document
carefully. In case of necessary
repair or complaints it is absolutely essential to send us this test sheet together with the product.
1 Safety notes
observe the safety regulations!
A.HABERKORN products may only be used if the whole content of these instructions for use can be understood.
All users of A.HABERKORN products must have demonstrably completed recognised training on the use of
personal fall protective equipment.
Personal fall protective equipment must be used for work under risk of a fall from a
height, if it is not possible to take adequate organisational or technical protective measures. Collective protective equipment
and technical tools are preferable. All national and local safety regulations as well as the accident prevention regulations must be
observed. This
may be used only by people who have the
mental capabilities
as well as the
necessary knowledge
for safe use. This
does not release the users from their own personal risk and responsibility. A
should be put at the disposal
of one individual user! The systems may only be used for their intended use - they must not be altered! It is forbidden to use any equipment
for leisure activities (e.g. alpine sports, sport climbing, etc.) which is not approved for use at a work place. Note that the combination of
equipment elements leads to a risk of mutual interference. When equipment elements are combined, the user must test the safety of use
before using for the first time. A combination of incompatible equipment elements may lead to unforeseen risks.
Caution: (
complementing point 4, liability)
Everybody using this product is personally responsible for learning the correct use and technique. Every user takes and accepts
completely full liability and all risks for any kind of damage and injuries, which result during and by the use of the product. The
manufacturer and specialist shops do not accept any liability in case of misuse and incorrect use and/or handling. These regulations are
helpful for the correct use of the product. As it is not possible to list all kinds of incorrect use, it does not replace one
’s own knowledge,
training, experience and own responsibility.
A rescue concept for rapid intervention in cases of emergency has to be drawn up!
Before using a PFPE, users must acquaint themselves with the possibilities for carrying out rescue measures safely and efficiently. The
users must be trained on the risks, possibilities for avoiding risks and the safe procedure of rescue and emergency measures. All
necessary rescue measures must be specified during a hazard analysis before using the PPE against falls from a height. An emergency
plan must consider the rescue measures for all possible cases of emergency during work! This means that a hazard analysis for the
particular intended use of a PPE against falls from a height and consequently a rescue plan, which describes the fastest possible rescue
action and includes all necessary equipment and procedures for rescue, must always be drawn up.
All evaluated equipment for an
eventual rescue must always be arranged and ready for immediate use. Otherwise a suspension trauma may result!
The medical description of the consequences of a suspension trauma explains:
after approx. 2 - 5 min. the casualty becomes incapable of taking action
after 10 - 20 min. only irreversible physical injury is possible and
subsequently life-threatening conditions are to be expected.
For this reason,
rescue measures must be carried out immediately!
If the person to be rescued is conscious, it is important that he/she moves his/her legs. If possible lift the body with the help of suitable
equipment (e.g.: tape slings, lanyards, suspension trauma relief loops, etc.) from the tensioned full body harness in order to relieve the
pressure of the leg loops to the inner thighs. This can reduce or avoid the pooling of blood in the legs and facilitate its backflow.
Note on anchor devices!
an anchor device from which the equipment is fixed to, should, when possible, be “vertically” above the user (in order to
prevent swinging in case of a fall from a height).
The position of the anchor point should always be chosen in a way that the fall distance is limited to a minimum.
Take care that the fall zone is calculated so that the user does not fall onto an obstacle in case of a fall from a height and that impact
on the ground is avoided.
Please take special care that no sharp edges endanger the anchor device (e.g. textile tape slings) as well as the safe lockin g of all
connectors (e.g. karabiners).
The load-bearing capacity of the building/ground must be ensured for the force indicated for the anchor device.