Envelope Outputs (Main ENV, +5V ENV, OR)
Each side of the PEG has two outputs: a scaled output labeled "ENV" and an unscaled output labeled "+5V
ENV". Additionally, there is a shared output that's the arithmetic "OR" of the scaled outputs.
The Scale knob and Bi-polar button only effect the ENV output jack:
With Bi-polar off: If the scale knob is right of center, the output will be positive-only, from 0V to a
maximum of +10V. Left of center, the envelope inverts and is negative-only, from 0V to a minimum of
With Bi-polar on: Scale knob right of center, the output will rise from negative to positive, then fall
back to negative voltage (maximum range -5V to +5V). Scale knob left of center, the output starts
positive and "rises" to negative voltage, then "falls" back to positive voltage.
In any setting, Scale knob in the center will produce no output.
The Bi-Polar button is a level-shifter (before the scale inversion/attenuation in the circuit). The
amount of level-shifting is controlled by a trim pot on the back of the module. Factory setting is a
shift of -5V (thus 0V to +10V becomes -5V to +5V), but other levels may be obtained by turning this
trim pot. One common use would be to set this to about -10V of level shift, so that the output when
Scale is inverting would be positive voltages, but with an inverted waveshape. This is useful
because now the +5V ENV jack and main ENV jacks will produce inverted copies of the same
waveshape, but in the same voltage range.
The main output is the ENV output and its amplitude is controlled by the Scale knob and Bi-polar button
The +5V ENV jack always outputs a waveform that goes from 0V to +5V. The scale and bi-polar controls
have no effect on this. This jack is useful as an auxiliary envelope output. It's often useful to patch into
the other channel's CV jack(s) to modulate parameters.
The OR jack will output the highest voltage value from either side's ENV jack at any given moment. One
way to use this is to think of the OR jack as a mix out, and use the Scale knobs as level knobs and the
Bi-Polar buttons to bring down the relative level of a channel (kind of like a mute button). See Fig 9c.
Figure 9a: Changing Scale (Bi-polar off)
Figure 9b: Changing Scale (Bi-polar on)
Top traces are ENV as Scale is turned from max to min. Bottom traces are +5V ENV. Grid lines are 5V/division.
Figure 9c: OR jack vs. adding ENV outputs
Top trace is OR jack (one channel is being sped up).
Bottom trace is from mixing both channels using a
passive mult
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