Skew is the ratio between the rise and fall times. Unlike most envelope generators, in the PEG the total
envelope length is held constant when the skew is changed, thus allowing you to change between ramp-up,
ramp-down, triangle, and everything in-between, without altering the timing.
Figure 6: Skew examples.
Skew knob was turned up a little bit in between each envelope.
If Skew is changed while an envelope is running, the curve will update immediately. Some funky outputs can
result from this, see figure for examples.
Figure 7: Funky envelopes made by twiddling the skew parameter while envelope is running
The envelope shapes available in the PEG are formed by combinations of exponential, linear, and logarithmic
waveforms. In between each fully expo/lin/log waveform, there are three interpolated waveforms formed from
weighted combinations of each (e.g. 25% log, 75% linear). The waveforms can be symmetrical (e.g. linear rise &
linear fall), or asymmetrical (e.g. exp rise & log fall). See figures 8a-8d.
The curve is selected from one of 17 using the Curve knob and CV jack (the knob sets the offset for any applied
CV). As you turn the knob clockwise, the first 4 curves are asymmetrical with exponential attacks and varying
decays. The last 4 curves are asymmetrical with logarithmic attacks and varying decays. The middle 9 curves
are symmetrical, ranging from exponential to linear to logarithmic. Look closely at the artwork around the Curve
knob on your PEG to see how the curves are laid out.
Once a rise or fall segment has begun, the shape will not change until the segment ends. However, applying a
pulse on the QNT jack or turning the cycle button on will force an update of the curve shape. As opposed to the
Div/Mult parameter, holding the QNT jack high will
force the Curve shape to track the CV.
Figure 8a: Curves 1-5
Asymmetrical curves with expo attacks
Figure 8b: Curves 5-9
Symmetrical curves (expo to linear)
Figure 8c: Curves 9-13
Symmetrical curves (linear to log)
Figure 8d: Curves 13-17
Asymmetrical curves with log attacks
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