Triggering/Cycling the Envelope
Cycle Button
— Press the button to toggle Cycle mode on/off. When this button is lit up, the envelope
will be free-running. In Cycle mode, the envelope will start on the ping clock (unless you gave an Async
trigger, see below... Pressing this button after an Async pulse will make the envelope re-sync.) As soon
as the button is pressed, the PEG calculates where in its cycle the envelope should be so that it ends on
the next ping clock, and starts outputting the envelope from this point. S
ee Figure 3.
QNT jack (Quantized)
Apply a trigger/gate to this jack to cause an envelope to start
on the next
ping clock
. The PEG will wait for the next ping clock and then start the envelope. Holding a gate high
on this jack causes the envelope to repeat.
See Figure 4.
The rising edge of a trigger on this jack will
cause the envelope to re-sync if an Async pulse has previously been applied. The envelope will
complete at least one entire cycle even if the QNT jack goes low mid-way through the envelope.
Async jack (Asynchronous)
— Apply a trigger/gate to this jack to cause an envelope to start
Holding a gate high will cause the envelope to sustain as long as the gate it high, and then
start the fall curve once the gate is released (A-S-R envelope).
See Figure 5
"T" jack (Cycle Toggle)
— When a gate is appled to this jack, both channel's Cycle buttons will toggle
state (on->off and off->on). When the gate is released they will revert to their previous state. The "T" jack
is useful for toggling between the two channels: set one channel in Cycle mode and the other channel to
non-cycling, and take the output from the OR jack (see Outputs section below). The "T" jack is also
useful for turning both channels on/off at the same time.
Note: applying a gate to the "T" jack is the
same as pressing both Cycle buttons at the same time (whether pressing the button turns it on or off).
Thus, all features that apply to starting Cycle mode also apply to turning the Cycle button on using the
"T" jack.
Figure 3: Pressing Cycle button
When button is pressed, envelope starts outputting
instantly, from a point in its cycle such that it's in sync
with the divided ping clock. (Blue trace is cycle button)
Figure 4: Quantized QNT trigger
Applying a QNT trigger causes an envelope to output
at the next ping clock (ping clock not shown in figure).
Holding a gate high causes the envelope to repeat.
Figure 5: Asynchronous trigger
Trigger causes an envelope to output immediately
(rising edge of trigger). Holding a high gate causes a
sustain period, and a fall period to begin after gate
goes low (ASR envelope). Envelope is re-triggerable.
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