ROTATE mode:
Turn knob to rotate channels
Press the button to switch between ROTATE
mode and SCALE mode
SCALE mode:
Turn knob to change scale
Changing the Bank:
Push ROTATE knob down and while still pressing down, turn the knob. The bottom six
lights will change color. The new bank selection takes effect when the button is released.
Rotate → and Rotate ← trigger jacks
A trigger on either jack will rotate the channels one step clockwise or counter-clockwise, respectively. This is equivalent to
turning the ROTATE knob one click to the right or left when in Rotate mode (the Rotate trigger jacks have the same
functionality whether you're in SCALE mode or ROTATE mode).
Rotate CV jack
The rotation of the jacks will follow the CV applied to this jack. If you input a 0V to 5V triangle wave, the channels will rotate all
the way around through all 20 possible rotation positions, then reverse direction and rotate back to the starting place, and
then repeat. A sawtooth wave will cause them to rotate only in one direction. A step wave will cause the channels to fade
between different positions, without rotating through the in-between positions.
Keep in mind that the Morph speed still applies, so if the CV waveshape changes faster than the Morph setting, the SMR will
do its best to keep up with the CV, but will never move faster than Morph allows. This is a great way to turn a repeating
rhythmic pattern (e.g. a triangle wave) into a new, less repetitious (but still related) pattern: simply turn Morph up so that it's
slower than the rate of change of the Rotate CV signal.
There are 20 possible rotation positions, and the jack is active in the range of 0V to 5V, so each rotation step has a window of
0.25V. Applying 0.25V will cause the channels to rotate one step clockwise. Dropping back to 0V will cause them to rotate
back one step counter-clockwise. Applying 1.0V will result in the channels morphing four positions clockwise. Dropping from
1.0V to 0.75V will cause them to rotate back one step.
This kind of rotation is different than the ROTATE knob or the trigger jacks. With triggers on the Rotate → jack or when
spinning the ROTATE knob, the channels rotate one step at a time until they reach their destination. On the other hand, with
Rotate CV, rotating more than one step at a time will cause the SMR to Morph directly to the destination. This type of rotation
is nice for sequencing the SMR with a step-sequencer. Each voltage level corresponds to a different rotation position.
Sequencing Rotate CV and perhaps Spread CV and Scale CV at the same time creates a complex hexaphonic chord
Scales and Banks
A scale is a set of 20 notes or frequencies, represented by the 20 spots on the light ring.
There are 11 scales in each bank. Each channel can be in any scale. All the channels can be
in the same scale, or each can be in a different scale, or some can be in the same scale and
others in different scales.
To visualize the scales and banks, tap the ROTATE (SCALE) knob to change to Scale mode.
The top half of the light ring represent the 11 scales and the bottom 6 LEDs represent the
banks. See diagram on the left.
The LED at the left-most point is the 1
Scale and the LED at the right-most point is the 11
Scale (see diagram at left). Each channel's scale is shown by displaying that channel's color
on the spot representing its scale. If multiple channels are in the same scale, the LED will
Push knob
Scale mode shows the current
banks and scales